Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Countdown!

Hi guys & girlies!

Christmas is around the corner and we are super excited about it! How do you spend your Christmas? Every year we spend Christmas Eve together, Saige and her parents, Acire and her family; uncles, aunties and cousins! We have our pot-luck session where every family brings food and hang out together at the 'nominated' or volunteered family member's house. Christmas day we spent with our own family or friends, have a mini get-together. Now it's your turn, how do you guys and girlies celebrate Christmas? We want to know!

Back to the purpose of this blog post. We want to prep for Christmas together with all of you, therefore, we would like to introduce to all of you...


We want to countdown to Christmas together with our readers! Starting from 1st December,Tomorrow (Singapore time) we will be putting post to help all of us prepare for Christmas (Party) together! Like Christmas Nail Arts, Outfits inspirations, Decorations, DIYs, Food Recipes and many more!

Join us and countdown together! How are you preparing or celebrating for Christmas? Do you already have a full list on your Christmas wishlist? Let us know, leave us a comment! Or simply tweet Acire with the hash-tag #SaigeandAcire and/ or #ChristmasCountdown! We would love to hear from our readers! Hohoho!

Saige & Acire 

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